
We are in Flåm today - pronounce more like Flome because of the little thing above the 'å'.

Today starts out with crappy weather - but it gets better.

Below a beautiful little town on the way up the fiord to Flam.

Our ship is not the only one in the harbour today. Ours is the on the right hand side of the picture below. Between our ship and the one tied up at the dock is the Viking Star. Our ship holds 440 passengers, the Viking Star holds 930 - over double - and the blue ship holds 2,733.

The big blue one is the Monarch - and full of ugly people speaking some strange language. God! what a mugly bunch...and with kids!!! No way I'm cruising on that ship.

Here's Terri with one of the people from the blue ship.

We're going on a bike ride today. First we'll get on a train and go up the mountain. Then we'll come half way back get some bikes and ride back down. The weather is not cooperating though and we may get wet.

There's really not much in Flam except restaurants, souvenir shops and a couple hotels

Another view of Flam from higher up.

And a shot from the internet showing Flam on a nice sunny day.

So we ride the train up and then part of the way back down to get to the bikes.

Some pictures of the scenery along the way.

Half way up there is a waterfall and the train stops so we can all get out and get pictures.

There is still snow at this altitude.

The train stops again on the way down and this time its not so crowded.

Here's video of part of the bike trip. Pretty boring stuff to be sure.