Fintry and Bear Creek Hikes

We went on a couple hikes yesterday to test out my new leg.

First we went to a place called Fintry Provincial Park. They have a waterfall there that is accessible by a fairly uphill set of stairs. I thought if my new leg could handle going up so many stairs then it is truly fixed.

This park is on the other side of the lake on what's called West Side Road which is an alternate way of going to Vernon. Fintry is about half way between Kelowna and Vernon.

After the Fintry walk we went to a place called Bear Creak Provincial Park - this park is only a half hour from where we live.

Considering how close these parks are it's odd we haven't been to them before.

Following are just some pics of the two hikes.

These buildings date back to 1909.

There are lots of stairs!

It's not Niagara Falls but it's not a bad waterfall.

Looking down at the falls from the very top.

And what is it about people these days that they always have to pile up rocks?

The ones below might actually take some talent but the ones above are just idiotic.

Looking back toward Kelowna.

Bear Creek is on the way back to town.

Not so many stairs but a good uphill hike too.

There have been fires here in the past - like many places around here.

That's Kelowna just to the left of centre. The smoke is from the mill that exists on the north end of the city.

A huge tree has fallen by the creek. The bark is in a spiral pattern Not sure what that means.

Another view of Kelowna from near the top.

And Bear Creek Waterfall - a fairly decent little fall.

And after the hike a beer and lunch at the Eldorado Hotel.