Esna and Sobek Temples

Today was mostly a sailing day. We visited Esna temple in the morning and then Sobek temple in the evening. Sobek was (and might still be for all I know) an  Egyptian god who was a crocodile..or at least he looked like  a crocodile.

This is the bridge where our captain and his crew plot the ship.

And this is where the captain and one  (or maybe more) of his crew sleep.

Esna Temple. Some info here on Wikipedia

Just a bunch of pics.

The ceiling is black. It hasn't been cleaned yet. The difference can be seen between the clean column capital on the left and the ones that haven't been cleaned in the centre of the picture.

Cleaning in progress.

And another shot of the pharaoh beating the shit out of his enemies. What's interesting is that this carving was made maybe 1,000 - 2,000 years after the ones we've seen previously. These old Egyptians loved that stuff.

Some shots from the riverside as we sail upstream.

A beautiful white donkey...or maybe it's a mule.. or an ass ?!?!  How to tell the difference?

A different boat with an entirely different group of passengers.

A man fishing on the Nile...probably like they've fished here for thousands of years.

Later in the day we found out what they do with the garbage that is generated on a cruise like this.  A garbage scow comes and picks it up.

And then its taken to the river bank and burned.  What doesn't burn floats down and gets in the sea / ocean.

That evening we're in a town to visit the Sobek temple which is really called the Temple of Kom Ombo.    It's kind of more of the same stuff as we've seen with the exception of the mummified crocodiles.

At night it looks pretty cool.

And this is a pit called the "Nile-ometer"...essentially a way to measure the height of the water in the river.  Before the Aswan dam the river flooded every year and sometimes caused huge damage.

They had a mummified crocodile museum here which was different.

Some that haven't been unwrapped yet.

A shot of part of our room. teri has her name tag on.  They give each of us a tag with our first name.  It makes it a lot easier than having to constantly has people to tell you their name again and again.

And in the evening we had a dressup party where we all wore Egyptian clothing and some guys came and played some truly obnoxious music.

Belis the vendors waiting on the shore for us to leave the ship.

And another river boat sailing in the night.
