Seabourn Encore

The Seabourn Encore is one of Seabourn's two new ships. The other is the Ovation. These new ships are a bit larger than the other Seabourn ships we've sailed - 600 passengers versus 440 on Odyssey, Sojourn and Quest (6 sailings to date) and 220 on Seabourn's original ships - which was our very first Seabourn cruise.

This was out first cruise on the larger ship and we're not sure we'll do another.  I think we prefer the smaller ships.

The picture at the top of this page is the Encore docked across the harbour and it was taken from the breakfast area at our hotel in Monte Carlo.

The hotel had no complimentary shuttle to the dock - nor did they have a complimentary shuttle to anywhere for that matter! The night before our cruise I asked a bellman at the hotel about arranging a taxi to take us to the ship the next day around noon and he advised me that no taxi would accept a booking for such a short trip. He said we could call the taxi company and then just wait, one would come sooner or later but allow plenty of time. I wasn't about to take that kind of chance. So all there was left was private cars and that's what we did.  80 Euros to go about 1.6 km - about a mile.  Un-freaking real.

The shots below are our room.  1125 - a Penthouse Suite.

A nice dining area with a large flat screen TV.  Lots of people eat the meals in their rooms. Not us.

Once you've sailed with Seabourn they know what liquor you like and they always have a bottle waiting for you in your room. Rum for me and vodka for Terri although I don't think she even opened her bottle on this trip.

Plus a bottle of champagne.

On arrival day they always put this leather cover on the bed so your suitcases won't get the bedspread dirty. Ours hadn't arrived yet when I took this pic.

A very decent size walk-in closet. Lots of room. Accessible from the bedroom and the hallway.

The poop-a-torium is in a separate, enclosed room that is accessible both from the bathroom and the entrance hallway. Very civilised. We never busted it once this trip.

And the bathroom with dual sinks, a decent size shower (if you're not 200 kg that is) and a jetted tub.

A shot of the pool area before all the other guests arrive. There are about 100 guests who were on the previous leg of this cruise who are staying on for the next leg and that's one of them in the pool.

And a coupe final shots of Monte Carlo before we sail away.

Our hotel is dead centre - you can see the construction barges off to the right and that was our view.

The Silver Muse waiting to come into the harbour when our ship leaves.  We're sailing 30 days on this ship later in the year. Bali to Sydney, Australia and then Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand. 30 days in total.