Death Valley Road Trip

In November we took a car trip to Death Valley. Just a two night trip to see what we could see.

The scenery is spectacular. The lodgings were atrocious!

What follows is just a bunch of pictures with only a few words and a two minute video at the end.

As usual these pics will look a lot better on a desktop or laptop display.

This (and previous) are shots of a huge salt flat - taken from high up on a hill on the east side of the valley.

This is an ancient volcanic crater. There is a path around the rim for hikers and so we went around.

Another much smaller volcanic crater at the same location.

A view from one side of the crate to the opposite side. You can just see the cars parked there in the centre of the pic.

Same shot zoomed.

Maxeeeemum zoom. These modern digital cameras are truly amazing!

The remains of what was once a thriving mining town.

An old railway car that somebody had converted into a home.

More fantastic scenery.

In the centre of the pic is the same salt flat from yesterday only seen from the west side of the valley.

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns. Explanation here.

The road home.

And the wee video...