
I don't have too much good to say about Darwin or the surrounding area. The lady guide we had seemed to think it was the best place in the world though.  

Here's how to get to Darwin from Bali if you're a bird. About a thousand kms. It's a big world.

Anyway, sometimes on cruises you stop at places that aren't so great. Plus the weather was crappy...drizzly, overcast.  Can't do anything about the weather!

This is Darwin..from the ship in the morning...not too exciting at first glance.

On arrival those of us (16 total plus a young lady from the Silversea expedition group) who'd opted for the Alice Springs excursion were separated from the rest of the group. The silly thing is we probably saw and did the same things as we would have if we'd stayed on the ship - we just paid a bunch more for it.

We did get a night and a meal at the Darwin Hilton which was nowhere as luxurious as the ship we arrived on.

So we boarded a small van and off we went.  As noted earlier our guide thought Darwin was the best pace on the planet.  I guess if you're a tourist guide it's good to be enthusiastic about your area.  

One of the first things we saw in Darwin (actually not IN Darwin but outside of Darwin) was these HUGE termite mounds. Millions of the little bastards are living in these things.  The chubby young lady taking a picture was one of our group.  She and two brothers and a cousin we're from a rich Mexican family. Their mom's stayed on the ship, their dads stayed back in Mexico making money.  Someone has to pay for these trips.

Cute gal but too many tortillas. I know I know...that's really mean!

Below is a field with MANY of the termite mounds.  

A close-up of a mound. They actually build them to take account of the prevailing wind direction.  Smart little buggers!

And some info.

After bug city we went to some falls.

There were lots of locals enjoying the water

And we spotted this very dangerous looking spyder.

And at the same site we saw a couple of the very elusive bloated white toadies.

On our next stop we saw a herd of kangaroos...is it a herd or a gaggle or a clutch?

They were a longs ways off so I didn't get a very good picture.  The wee video at the bottom is better.

Here be the video