
Copenhagen was perhaps the coldest city we visited. It wasn't freezing cold - just cooler that we'd like it to be. It was a lot like Calgary - when the sun is shining you're warm and as soon as some clouds come you put your coat back on.

I think the entire area of this part of the world was cold at the start of our trip. We met some people on the ship, we joined here in Copenhagen, who had been on for the previous two weeks and they said it had been cool the whole time.

Copenhagen is in the country of Denmark and is very close to Sweden.

Here's a map.

Copenhagen has been around over a thousand years and has some interesting history.

Here's the guy who founded the city. Bishop Absalon.

Copenhagen has many canals and like all good tourists we took the canal tour.

We came across this family of swans on one canal. The boat driver slowed right down as he passed them to make sure no harm was done.

A famous tourist stop in the city is The Little Mermaid. I'm sure everyone has read the fairy tale about the mermaid.

Anyway, here she is (inside the red circle). There were so many tourist busses and canal boats here we didn't even bother to go have a look at her. Here's a link.

A cool sailing ship we came across on the canal cruise. The Sea Cloud II

Her backside (ya ya ya I know that's not what it's called).

We saw this old church with stairs on the outside from the canal boat. We decided to go back and climb to the top.

Some shots of the city from the top.

A passenger ship waaayyy off in the distance. Look at previous photo - you can just see it just below the horizon.

Maximum zoom.

The Danes, like all Scandinavians it seems, really like their bicycles.

Here we have a double decker bike park.

We rented a car and went for a drive on our third day. To some old castle north of Copenhagen.

We always like these old castles as it's interesting how people lived in the old days. One thing that always interests me is how they went to the bathroom in the days before running water and plumbing.

Well here's the answer - for this castle anyway.

You make a little poop-a-torium room.

And then you build a poop-shute into the castle.

And then you hope to hell that you're not the poor S.O.B who gets to clean it out.

After the castle we visit a viking ship museum near Roskilde.