
Boston is a city I've always wanted to visit. Just needed a good reason. The weather wasn't great thanks to Hurricane Joaquin but we're not here for a beach holiday at any rate. We never got much rain nor was it very cold...just kind of cloudy and gloomy.

Terri got us a nice room again...overlooking the Granary Cemetery.

The green area beyond the church is Boston Common.

Lots of seriously old dead people in the graveyard.

And some famous ones too!

You all remember Paul Revere - right - and his midnight ride shouting "the British are coming, the British are coming"

And what trip to Boston would be complete without a visit to the Cheers Bar

This is the actual house where Paul Revere lived.

The Bunker Hill monument.

The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought in 1775 at the start of the American Revolution.

Of course we had to climb the tower and below are some shots of Boston from the top.