Bonifacio, Corsica

Corsica is a French island off the coast of Italy.

Corsica is also the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was born in Ajaccio which is further north and west of where we were docked.

The excursion today is another bus trip to the town of Sartene. Sartene is a very small town with medieval buildings and atmosphere.  The trip to Sartene is apparently very beautiful.

Getting off the ship today was very difficult - the sea was quite rough. The video below shows ho bad it was.  We ultimately all go to go to shore but it took a while.

In the shot below there is a beach in the bottom left hand corner.

Zoooomed!  I'm sure it would be a fantastic place to spend the day.

The little yellow room on the right hand side of the balcony is the toilet. It's a late addition to this house. Before they had the "out-house" sewage was just pitched off the balcony into the street.  A pretty good upgrade I'd say!

A typical square in a  small town - people eating, drinking, having a good time. I really like this aspect of European life. It's so different from living in Canada.

Our guide suggested we have a local beer made with chestnuts - damn fine beer it was!

A small video taken in the main square.

The trip back to Bonifacio has some nice scenery. Unfortunately shot through the bus window so some negative effects.  The weather is looking a bid bad but luckily it doesn't rain on us.

Back in Bonifacio we visited the main town at the top of the hill.

A view of the harbour on the way up.

A couple shots of the coastline from the entrance to the town.

And some shots of Bonifacio from back on the ship

The beautiful Mediterranean Sea.