Beer - update Feb 1

Today we found this cool store called World Mart.

They have thousands (ok - that might be an exageration) of different kinds of beer from all over the world and you can buy one bottle at a time.

So I bought some.

If you buy six you get 30% off. What more incentive would I need? After all...I am on a fixed income now.

There are definately some well know ones in this display but there are others I never heard of.

Here's what I got:

Stone IPA - I've already had thir Pale Ale (PA) so this should be interesting as I'm really getting to like IPAs. Which could account for the few extra lbs I'm packing around these days.

UPDATE This is a good beer (if you like IPAs that is). Lots of flavour and not too bitter. 6.9% alcohol means that it's only one and then onto something more reasonable.

This is Mexcian beer. An amber ale. Check out the words at the bottom of the label.

*UPDATE : This is a really good one too. Not as much flavour as the Stone IPA but compared to Corona or Dos Equis this is a REAL beer. You don't need to put a lime in it.

This is a bottle from the same brewery. An IPA.

UPDATE : Another really tasty flavourful beer - from a Mexican brewery!!!

But again...a high alcohol - and thereby a high calory beer.

An Italian beer. Birra Moretti. We've been to Italy many times and I've never seen this one before. I think La Rossa means The Red. We'll see soon I guess.

UPDATE This is a real flavouful beer. At 7.2% alchohol it (like the Stone IPA) it's probably best to just have one.

This shows the colour of La Rossa beer.

German Black Beer. The krauts make good beer so I'm looking forward to trying this one.

UPDATE Finally had this beer on Feb 1st. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the greatest either. Not sure if I'd buy it again. Maybe just one more to be sure. It really is black beer though. See pic following.

A beer made in San Fransisco.

UPDATE This was the only beer I definately would not buy again. In fact I poured about half out. It was just tasteless. Too bad.

As I try ech of these I'll update the blog with comments.