Beer Wars Part VI - Updated Feb. 9th.

So it's been a while since we've been to World Market but we went today and remember what they have there????... a whole bunch of single bottles of beer....and the kinds of beer you don't normally see anywhere else.

So I bought some. For the sake of scientific investigation only!

The first contender is Snake Dog IPA from the Flying Dog Brewery which is located in Maryland. Who the heck ever thought to name a state Maryland???

It's an IPA and it has 7.1% alcohol so I bet it's gonna be tasty.

There is a quote on the right side of the bottle from an Anna Steadman (you can't see it in the photo below) the quote says..."It snakes down the throat like a faithful friend"...YIKES...what kind of friends does she have?

And what the heck does this mean?

VERDICT: Snake Dog IPA So I drank this one today - December 8th, 2014. A very tasty beer it is. This one might appeal to those who don't particularly like IPAs or stronger beers. The bitterness is not as great as other IPAs. A very good beer indeed.

Second contender is Belhaven Scottish Ale.
This beer has been brewed in Scotland since 1719 so I guess they should have figured it it out by now. Their website. This beer is only 5.2% alcohol. It is a very nice colour and would be best drank out of a tall, frosted beer glass. May have to grab one just for this beer.

VERDICT: Belhaven Scottish Ale
December 10th, 2014
Another very good beer. I would compare this to maybe a Heinekin. A very good beer to drink when thirsty.

So the third one is Alimony Ale. Again an IPA from Buffalo Bill's Brewery. 6.8% alcohol Brewed in Seattle.

VERDICT: Alimony Ale
Decemeber 12th, 2104 - drank this one.
A VERRRY good beer indeed. See the beautiful colour in the shot above. This might be the leader taste-wise of the three I've had so far.

The fourth contender is another beer from the Flying Dog Brewery. It's called Raging Bitch and it's a Belgian Style IPA. At 8.3% I'm sure it's going to be flavourful.

I would have bought this one just for the label even if it wasn't an IPA.

And again some words of wisdom on the side of the bottle.

VERDICT: Raging Bitch IPA
January 31st, 2015
WHOAAAA.....this is one mean IPA...not for the faint of heart. 8.3% alcohol content.
Nothing beats a nice beer buzz at 12:30 PM on a Sautrday (well actually there ara few things that beat it and they're not beer). I'm gonna buy a few more of these next time I'm at World Market.

This one we've tried before and my recollection is that it was a very good beer. Einstok Icelandic Pale Ale.

Their website indicates that they make a variety of other beers. Will have to visit Iceland in the near future.

VERDICT: Einstok Icelandic Pale Ale
January 28th, 2015
My recollection was correct - this is a very nice IPA. In fact this IPA would be a good choice for someone who is not that fussy about's tasty but does not have as much bitterness as some other IPAs.

Another IPA with a great label. Shipwrecked Double IPA.
This one is brewed in San Diego which is just a couple hours away. If it's any good we may have to make a road trip to the brewery.

Yowza...9.25% alcohol. Won't be having a second beer after I drink this one.

VERDICT: Shipwrecked Double IPA
February 9th, 2015
Another verrry tasty IPA...not for the weak of heart though. The 9.25% alcohol content definately gives you a buzz. No driving for at least aan hour after one of these.