Beer Part 5 (Update April 12th)

Only got three bottles this time.

We were at World Mart again and I wanted to grab three bottles of the Icelandic Pale Ale I liked so much so I just grabbed these three to fill up the six pack.

CRUSH by Napa Smith Brewery.

Should be interesting - it's described as "Amber Lager Brewed With Grapes"...that would kind of make it wine wouldn't it?

Anyway we like our wine down here as much as we like as our beer so like I said above... should be interesting.

UPDATE: This was a pretty tasty beer. Cann't really say that I could taste the grapes but it tasted A-OK.

It is not a clear beer however. It is a bit cloudy. That's ok though because beer hardly ever makes it int a glass around here.

The back of the bottle.

Smithwick's Premum Irish Ale.

This is Irish beer brewed in Dublin, Ireland. It says on the neck of the bottle "serve chilled" so that's a good sign. Not like the brit beer that they like to drink at room temperature.

Note at the bottom says~~ "Since 1870"..~~they shoulda got it rigt by now..wouldn't you think?

No no no ... it says since 1710....that's over three hundred freakin' years...

UPDATE: Had this beer at lunch today and it was a very good beer. Not particularly flavourful like a Pale Ale or IPA but was a beer that tasted like A BEER. Will definately have another if time allows.

If we ever make it to Ireland (and it's on the list) we'll definately have to visit the brewery.

White Rascal.

I think I bought this one for the label.

It's a Belgian style white ale. Brewed in Boulder, Colorado. 5.6% alcohol so it should have some taste. We'll see I guess.

UPDATE: WOW! Another really good tasting beer.

This is an un-filtered beer, you can see that it is not clear like an MGD or Corona. It does not tatse like eiither of those either.

April 4th: Here are the other three contenders and I just noticed they are all IPAs and we know how much I like IPAs. Should be interesting.

Hop Nosh IPA

This is an IPA so unless a rat fell in the barrel that the made this in I'm probably going to like it.

UPDATE: And low and behold I DO . A great tasting beer. 7.6% alcohol YIKES.

This beer is brewed in Utah - I'm surprised the mormons allow it. Terri and I stopped for a night in Utah on the way down in December and we had a heck of a time finding a restaurant that sold wine with supper.

Abita Spring IPA

This beer is brewed in Louisiana. Never been there but it's on our list.

UPDATE: Another very tasty beer. I know I know... I'm starting to sound like a stuck record. It is a really good beer though (for those who like IPAs that is). The beer sissys out there might not have the same enthusiasm for this beer that I do.

The Abita brewery makes a pile of different beers and I hope to try all of them ... hopefully on a trip to Mardi Gras next year to get some Or I am I supposed to throw the beads? ...I'll check it out on the weeb before we go..wouldn't want to appear like a tourist dork would we???

Lagunitas IPA

UPDATE: Well it's an IPA - what can I tell ya? I enjoyed it immenseley.

It will be a while before the next beer coparrisons as we're heading back to the frozen north in a couple days. That's not to say I won't drink any beer - just not record what they look like and if they tasted like snake pee or not.