Bar Harbor, USA

This was the last full day of the cruise. Tomorrow we'll be in Boston and that's the end.

Bar Harbor (or Bah Hahbah as the locals say it) is a funky little tourist town in Maine, USA. At least it is when it's not pissing down rain as it was when we were there.

This was the last day of our sea cruise and we were subjected to the wrath of Hurricane Joaquin. Well that's a bit of an exaggeration ...we didn't get much wrath but we were on the fringe of it and we got some mist and a bit of rain later in the day.

We left the ship early in the morning for an excursion (pics below) that turned out to be a bit of a disappointment because of the rain and mist. Our excursion was done by noon and so we walked about town in the light rain, had a bite to eat (we heard a lot about the lobster rolls but I could take 'em or leave 'em!) and then went back to the ship as the rain was increasing.

One note here: there is no place for the ship to dock in Bar Harbor - they have to bring the passengers to the shore on tiny boats called "tenders" (who knows why they're called that?....anyone wanna email me and clarify..).

So we went back to the ship abut 1:00 PM but there were still many people on shore who had come ashore later than us. Just about the time we came back to the ship the wind and rain picked up substantially - to the point where the captain decided it was no longer safe for the tenders to bring the people back, a total of 93 of them, from the shore. They finally did get back about 4:00 PM when there was a brief lull in the wind but for a while it looked like they were going to have to send everyone who was still on shore to our final destination - Boston - via busses.

Anyway, it all worked out.

Just a couple shots of the rugged coastline.

Luckily the ship had umbrellas for all of us. Terri had brought the rain coat she bought in Lillehammer earlier this year. I ended buying one in Bar Harbor later in the day, the white coat I had on was no match for the amount of rain coming down.

A dark, misty Loch!

An operational fishing marina.

The trees are just starting to turn here. It's about a week late, we were told, due to the warmer than average weather.

We were told that many celebrities like Oprah, Martha Stewart, etc. have summer vacation homes here. The one below belongs to Elmer Fudd.

This is a shot of Bar Harbour after we returned to the ship in the early afternoon. The weather has deteriorated considerably.

Next stop...Boston.