
We've got two days in Barcelona and there's so much to see.  

We were here about 10 years ago with Keith & Denise and Ryan & Marilyn and we always planned to come back to see the progress on the Sagrada Familia.

So instead of flying straight home after the boat cruise we decided to spend two extra days here.

The first day we have a "free tour" arranged.  That's right - free.  Just Google  "free walking tour Barcelona" to see what I mean. There's a pile of them. Anyway, it's not really free - the "guide" (and I don't think the guide is a real, registered guide) expects a tip.  I suppose you could just take the tour and then slip away without leaving a tip but that would be a kind of shitty thing to do wouldn't it?

The second day we have a more expensive tour booked through Viatour.  A trip out in the country.

Day One in Barcelona.

Day Two in the country.