
UPDATE: I started this blog while we were somewhere in the southern hemisphere on a trip to Bali, Australia, New Zealand and Myanmar. I don't recall exactly where but somewhere where there was a decent internet connection. As the trip went on I never updated it, When we got back to the USA the weather was always too nice to be stuck indoors in front of a computer so I dragged my heels there too.

Now we're back in the frozen north I will try to get it finished before the weather gets warm again.

Two years ago we did a land and river tour of Vietnam and Cambodia with an Australian company called Scenic. We had a great time, we met a bunch of great folks, (most of them Australians) and we decided to do another similar trip in the future.

So in July 2017...six months after the Vietnam and Cambodia trip... we booked a similar trip, with the same company, in Myanmar (Burma).

After booking the trip we wondered what we would do prior... we'd met some great people on the Vietnam trip and we promised if we ever came to Australia we'd come for a visit.  So we thought maybe we'd just fly to Australia and rent a car and visit some of these people.  

At some point we decided to find an ocean going tour that we could take prior to the Myanmar trip and we were successful.  Two cruises actually, the first a 16 day cruise from Bali, Indonesia to Sydney, Australia. The second a 14 day cruise from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand. After arriving in Auckland we still would have about a week before the Myanmar trip so we would use this time to explore the area around Auckland and then fly back to Perth, Australia to meet up with some of the people we met on the Vietnam / Cambodia trip.

Getting to Bali

On the Island of Bali