Saint Petersburg - Day 2

This is a shot of The Hermitage from a canal cruise boat trip we took.

The Hermitage is now a museum but in the day of the Tsars it was known as the Winter Palace. It's where the Royals spent the winter. And it's freaking huge.

We were lucky to get in without having to stand in a seriously long line-up. One of the benefits of having a private guide and pre-purchased tickets.

That's our guide Irine explaining something to Terri (bottom right hand corner)

Here we are again in the huge Palace Square outside the Hermitage.

After the Hermitage and a lunch at a local Russian restaurant we visited a fantastic place called The Church on Spilled Blood.

Major traffic jam outside the church. It's a very popular tourist attraction.

The church was built on the spot where Tsar Alexander II was assassinated. The area below, within the four grey columns, is the original pavement where he was wounded by an assassin and died a few days later. His son built this church to honour him.

Terri and Irine outside the church.

After our visit to the Church on Spilled blood we went on a quick canal cruise.

St. Petersburg isn't Amsterdam or Venice when it comes to canals but it was still interesting.