Halong Bay

Changed: Jan 20/17

After the first two nights in Hanoi we were bused to Halong Bay for a 2 day cruise on the Au Co.

A very nice ship and our accommodations were decent.

Just some pictures of the bay.

A ship fishing for squid in the dark. The bright light attracts them. Doesn't seem fair somehow.

There are a lot of tourist ships on Halong Bay. Not that many over-nighters though.

The second day on Halong Bay they took us for a visit to a cave. They called it Surprise Cave although I'm sure it has a different name in the local language.

This guy was guarding the entrance to the cave.

The cave was quite impressive. They (the Vietnamese tourist department) have done a wonderful job of creating a really good cave experience. The lighting was fantastic.

The pictures below do not do it justice.

A shot of the water at the entrance to the cave.

Another shot of the Au Co from a different angle.

A funky fishing boat.

And a wee video.

Later in the day they took us to Cat Ba island which means Women Island. We went on a wee bike ride that was fun.

We stopped to look at a rice paddy (and let us old-timers catch our breath).

This is the home of the family who manages the rice paddy. Pretty primitive but check out what's present just to the right of the roof. A satellite dish with a solar power panel.

Another cave they took us to is the Bright and Dark Cave. Not really a cave but kinda like one.

Here's a wee video:

Here's a slightly longer one, just some video of Halong Bay.

Thats all for Halong Bay